Make an Informed Investment
Rooftop walkway systems are great to improve daily operations while maintaining or improving safety for your commercial metal building. Being that operations and safety are critical to your business, finding the right system is important. When weighing your options for a new rooftop walkway that best fits your needs and building, ask yourself a few questions to make sure your investment meets all your requirements. Our specialists at Design Components Inc. have listed out the top questions for consideration when looking to invest in a rooftop walkway system.
Top Questions to Ask About Rooftop Walkway Systems
1. What do we need access to?
Rooftop walkway systems optimize your ease of accessibility to rooftop-based equipment. Your commercial building most likely has rooftop equipment that needs regular maintenance—such as HVAC systems, ventilation fans, solar panels, or air ducts. Maintaining this equipment can be done safely and regularly with the installation of a rooftop walkway system.
2. What are OSHA’s requirements?
OSHA has requirements in place to protect workers, helping organizations to function as smoothly and safely as possible. OSHA’s fall protection policies help prevent workplace injuries and fatalities in regard to rooftop job functions. Work closely with a company that studies, meets, and exceeds OSHA’s requirements. All products within your consideration need to meet or exceed OSHA’s standards, much like DCI’s METALWALK® rooftop walkway system.
3. How will it perform in inclement weather?
Inclement weather conditions on a rooftop walkway system can of course be more dangerous than normal conditions, increasing the chance for an accident with improper equipment. That said, some metal building accessories providers, such as DCI, supply products that prioritize safety in inclement conditions. Invest in a rooftop walkway system that is designed to work optimally in less-than-ideal weather, featuring non-skid surfaces and other safety features.
4. Will it damage or affect our building or its accessories?
Some rooftop walkway systems penetrate SSR panels during installation. The best long-term rooftop walkway systems do not damage your existing building upon installation. Ask the manufacturer or supplier whether other accessories will need to be altered to accommodate the rooftop walkway system’s installation.
5. Is it customizable?
While your first priority should be safety and function, also consider whether the rooftop walkway system can be painted to look professional and best work for your operations. Custom painting options can help the rooftop walkway system match your building’s aesthetics or improve safety with colors that improve visibility.
Features of DCI’s METALWALK®:
- Exceeds OSHA and IBC code requirements
- Does not penetrate SSR panels
- Custom painting available
- Optional 4″ toeboard non-skid surface
Our Specialists are Here to Help
Wanting to learn more about which rooftop walkway system is the best fit for your business? Our experienced team is ready to help guide you through this process. With a deep expertise on these products and a passion for equipping companies with the best possible fit, count on Design Components Inc.
To speak with an expert ready to help you, give us a call today at (800) 868-9910 or by requesting a quote on our website. Learn more by connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.