OSHA Fall Protection Requirements For Ladder PFAS
Accidental falls are one of the most prevalent work-related accidents and often lead to severe injury and, in some cases, death. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide the required safety equipment and enforce the regulations as well as ensure the workers understand and follow them. Under current Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fall protection requirements, a personal fall arrest system (PFAS) for ladders is necessary when that ladder is over 24 feet tall.
What An Employer Should Know About Personal Fall Arrest Systems
Fall protection equipment and safety products are built to protect those working in situations where a fall can take place, such as a high altitude. OSHA is often implementing new requirements and regulations meant to ensure the safety of employees. One of these new requirements put into place by OSHA is the use of personal fall arrest systems or ladders safety systems in certain circumstances. In this, OSHA hopes to push companies to phase out cages on fixed ladders, due to their lack of sufficient protection.
As of Nov. 19, 2018, OSHA implemented new requirements for fixed ladders on buildings. – LEARN MORE
The three primary types of PFAS are: bolt-on cable systems (with a cable grab fall arrester), track systems (with a climbing trolley), top-mounted self-retracting lifelines
Whichever system an employer chooses is dependent on the company’s needs; each system has advantages and disadvantages that come with them. Design Components Inc. offers a variety of PFAS that meet OSHA’s fall protection requirements for ladders.
An OSHA Compliant Personal Fall Arrest System – Requirements For Fall Protection With Ladders
The three major components of a personal fall arrest system consist of a full-body harness, a shock-absorbing lanyard or retractable lifeline, and secure anchors. When used properly, a PFAS can save a life by stopping the worker from striking the surface below in the case of a fall. PFAS are inexpensive and easy to use.
Personal fall arrest systems must include the following to be OSHA compliant and meet the requirements for ladder fall protection:
Anchor Point
Body Harness
Connecting Device
In the case that a fall has been arrested, a company should have a descent and rescue plan established. This plan should include a way to raise or lower a worker to safety, without the risk of a freefall. Additionally, this plan should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it is foolproof.
Another precautionary step companies should take in order to ensure their PFAS are functioning properly includes inspecting the system regularly and providing maintenance to them when needed, especially if an arrest has occurred.
Inspect a PFAS prior to each use for damage or other deterioration. If damage is found on any component, immediately remove the item from service and destroy it, or have it repaired by an authorized service center. — Mass.gov
Questions You May Have About Following OSHA’s PFAS Regulations
- When is a personal fall arrest system required?
- Under the latest OSHA regulation, a ladder of 24 feet high will require a PFAS
- In residential construction, fall protection must be provided to any employee working at a height of 6 feet or more
- How do the new rules affect existing ladders?
- The modification of an existing ladder or a replacement ladder must be equipped with a PFAS
- Do I have to remove an existing cage on a ladder that once met OSHA fall protection requirements?
- No, but the ladder will need to be retrofitted with a fall arrest system. Additionally, the ladder cannot interfere with the personal fall arrest system installed.
- When do I need to have PFAS in place?
- Nov. 18, 2036
OSHA Fall Protection Equipment For Ladders
Contact DCI: Your PFAS Provider
Design Components, Inc. is the number one trusted solution when it comes to OSHA fall protection requirements for ladders. With us, you can find a PFAS that fits your company’s wants and needs with ease. At Design Components Inc., we understand the stress that comes with ensuring your employees are protected, which is why we provide effective OSHA-compliant products at the perfect price.
Protect your employees and pass your OSHA inspections with flying colors with DCI! Give us a call at (800) 868-9910, email us at sales@designcomponents.com, or contact us here to request a quote.